Norwich Fashion Jam

Parallel Magazine

From production to waste, the fashion industry is one of the largest sources of pollution on the planet. Official figures show that in the UK, around £140 million worth of clothing ends up in a landfill, and yet we spend £44 billion annually on the industry. Furthermore, our passion for fashion endorses and supports the sweatshop business, in which an estimated 30 million workers worldwide suffer from low pay, overworking, and verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. The majority of these workers are women. The pressure from consumers for cheaper clothing prices had led to larger orders for garment factories for less money, and more work for already-underpaid garment workers across the world. 90% of everything we wear comes from abroad.

So what are the alternatives? For issue 5 of Parallel, we shot an ethical fashion editorial featuring the garments of sustainable companies as well as one of our favourite ethical…

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